

Computational Imaging for Precision Astrophysics


The topic of this session is Computational Imaging for Precision Astrophysics, covering a variety of exciting new approaches for ultra high resolution astronomy. The session focuses on black holes and exoplanets both of which with their unique challenges. Horizon scale black hole science is incredibly challenging due the extreme resolution required (~20 micro arcseconds) to resolve the largest black holes on the sky: Sagitarrius A* and M87*. Nonetheless, innovations and advancements in interferometry over the last decade have opened the door to new horizon scale science: from the first images with the Event Horizon Telescope, to precise astrometry with GRAVITY. The talks and posters in this session cover a variety of topics from novel computational imaging that integrates interferometry with information theory and modern machine learning to new mission concepts for space interferometry. For exoplanets, beyond resolution, a key challenge is that of contrast: the signal from the planet could be up to a billion times fainter than that of its host star. Nonetheless, direct imaging holds the key to characterizing composition and habitability. In this session, we will hear about advancements in the field and how precise modeling of instrumental optics could be the key to pushing the detection limit towards the fundamental noise.

Organiser & chair: Aviad Levis / Marie Ygouf

Session Schedule

8:00 - 8:20
Invited talk: Frontiers in Computational Imaging: Bridging Techniques for High-Precision Astrophysics
Marie Ygouf
8:20 - 8:40
Invited talk: Uncovering Images of Exoplanets with Differentiable Optical Models for Coronagraphs
Jason Wang
8:40 - 9:00
Invited talk: Black Hole and Exoplanet Imaging with Information Field Theory
Torsten Enßlin
9:00 - 9:20
Invited talk: Kine: Interferometric Dynamic Imaging with Neural Networks
Marianna Foschi*
9:20 - 9:40
Invited talk: Extracting Movement Information from Radio Interferometry with the Optimal Transport Regularizer
Shiro Ikeda
9:40 - 11:00
Invited poster: Reliable Deep Generative Priors for Astronomical Imaging
Berthy Feng*
9:40 - 11:00
Invited poster: From the Low resource to the High resource Setting: Solving Imaging Challenges in the ngVLA Era with Lessons Learned from VLBI
Hendrik Müller
9:40 - 11:00
Contributed poster: Generative Modelling for Mass-mapping with Fast Uncertainty Quantification
Jessica Whitney*
9:40 - 11:00
Contributed poster: Searching for Protoplanets with ALMA Using Regularized Maximum Likelihood Imaging Techniques
Brianna Zawadzki
9:40 - 11:00
Session organiser poster: Physics-constrained Neural Fields for 3D Imaging in Astronomy
Aviad Levis
9:40 - 11:00
Steering committee member poster: EHT Julia Organization: Julia Meets Black Hole Imaging and Beyond
Kazunori Akiyama