

“R4” Reconstruction, Resolution, Regularization and Representation – Overcoming Medical Imaging Challenges


This session will encompass latest scientific advances in medical image reconstruction dealing with motion and other artifacts; super-resolution imaging and regularization for improved image quality; and representation learning (inherent to large vision/imaging models, but also neural implicit representations).

Organiser & chair: Julia Schnabel

Session Schedule

8:00 - 8:20
Invited talk - Deep Learning for Motion Correction in MRI
Julia Schnabel
8:20 - 8:40
Invited talk - Self-supervised MR reconstruction
Efrat Shimron
8:40 - 9:00
Invited talk - Model-based Quantitative MRI Meets Machine Learning
Gary Zhang
9:00 - 9:20
Invited talk - Machine Learning in PET Image Reconstruction – Opportunities, Challenges, and Common Pitfalls
Georg Schramm
9:20 - 9:40
Invited talk - Towards Accurate Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography: Combining Model and Learning Based Algorithms
Andreas Hauptmann
9:40 - 11:00
Invited poster - Neural Implicit k-space Representations
Daniel Rueckert
9:40 - 11:00
Invited poster - Physics-informed Machine Learning for Maternal and Fetal MRI
Jana Hutter
9:40 - 11:00
Contributed poster - TBC
9:40 - 11:00
Contributed poster - TBC
9:40 - 11:00
Contributed poster - TBC