Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Imaging
This session explores recent advances in the theory and methods of uncertainty quantification for computational imaging. As computational imaging involves solving ill-posed inverse problems using complicated estimators, quantifying uncertainties associated with formed imagery, including both aleatoric (stochastic) and epistemic (systematic or modeling) uncertainties, has been an important topic of interest. Recent emergence of deep learning-based image formation methods, including generative models, has both increased the need for proper uncertainty quantification with an eye towards trustworthiness, and also provided tools that can possibly enable progress in that direction. This session highlights a variety of statistical and learning-driven recent work in this area, including estimation and visualization of epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties, posterior variance-based error quantification, distribution-free uncertainty quantification using conformal prediction, as well as task-driven uncertainty quantification for computational imaging, among others.
Organiser & chair: Mujdat Cetin
Session Schedule
- 17:30 - 17:50
- Session organiser talk: Does your computational imaging algorithm know what it doesn’t know?
- Mujdat Cetin
- 17:50 - 18:10
- Invited talk: Black Box Guarantees for Modern Methods in Inverse Problems
- Jeremias Sulam
- 18:10 - 18:30
- Invited talk: Uncertainty Visualization via Posterior PCA and Posterior Hierarchical Trees
- Tomer Michaeli
- 18:30 - 18:50
- Invited talk: Estimating Epistemic and Aleatoric Uncertainty with a Single Model
- Christopher Metzler
- 18:50 - 19:10
- Invited talk: Generalized Locality for Robust, Lightweight Imaging Architectures
- Ivan Dokmanić
- 19:10 - 20:30
- Invited poster: Posterior Variance Based Error Quantification in Imaging
- Andreas Habring*
- 19:10 - 20:30
- Invited poster: Image-to-Image Regression with Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification and Applications in Imaging
- Amit Kohli*
- 19:10 - 20:30
- Contributed poster: Intriguing Properties of Modern GANs
- Roy Friedman*
- 19:10 - 20:30
- Contributed poster: Uncertainty Quantification for Fast Reconstruction Methods Using Augmented Equivariant Bootstrap: Application to Radio Interferometry
- Tobias Liaudat
- 19:10 - 20:30
- Steering committee poster: Task-Driven Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems via Conformal Prediction
- Philip Schniter